Trusted Generator, Electrical and HVAC Services for Telecom in Utah, Colorado and surrounding states

Extend the Life and Performance of Your Tower With Reliable Power and Cooling
The mission of Expedia Power is to fill a niche market in cell tower build outs, by integrating expertise in towers and radio equipment for communication with top notch HVAC, electrical, and back-up power systems, to ensure towers are running at full potential for maximum life.  
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About Us

Expedia Power proudly serves their community of friends and neighbors with over 30 years experience serving California. We've served Utah for 2 years and have quickly become a preferred contractor.

We believe in a high level of customer service satisfaction to ensure the highest quality service each time you hire us. Our team of experts understand the importance of an effective line of communication. We'll keep you in the know at all times.

A commercial air conditioning or back up power repair, replacement, or original installation is not a weekend DIY project. To avoid future damage and additional repairs, an expert should be called. We value your time, so we aim to complete every job in a timely manner.
Man on orange backhoe loader digging on ground

Maintaining reliability in unmanned telecom, radio and control room locations

We provide back up power and air conditioning services, generator and HVAC installation, repair and maintenance. We employ licensed and certified technicians to provide our customers with the highest quality repairs and installations. A trained technician can offer proper maintenance and repairs to keep your equipment operating at maximum reliability and efficiency. You will experience the benefits of licensed trained professionals who understand how to provide you with cost-effective services committed to successfully resolving your issue the first time. Expedia Power serves as your premiere local air conditioning and generator expert for your business. We show up for every job on time with a high level of professionalism to serve you. Our licensed and trained technicians understand what it means to provide quality repairs at an affordable price.

Meet Our Team

Christine Kotter

Christine Kotter profile image

Office Mgr/ Dispatch

William Clark

Man in a backhoe machine


Hunter Meleen

Hunter Meleen profile image


Jose Montoya

Jose Montoya profile image


Our Partners